Do You Want to Get Well?


Do You Want to Get Well? Malorie Porter Do You Want to Get Well? Malorie Porter

“But Do You Want It More Than Me?”

You are already loved, you are already seen, and you are already known by God. All He has is available to you, child. You are a child of the King: and heir of God and a co-heir with Christ which means you get to enjoy the fullness of Christ’s inheritance. As His child, you get the privilege to cry out to your Abba, Father. Your achievements will never earn His love. You are loved because He is your Father.

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Do You Want to Get Well?

What he offers is more sustaining than a simple meal of bread and fish. He offers us life: yes, it’s eternal life in heaven, but we also have the ability to experience life here on earth. Life of freedom from the bondage of sin. Our flesh is in entrenched in sin (Jn 6:63), but the Spirit of God gives life. The all-powerful presence of the Spirit makes His home in you. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead LIVES. IN. YOU. And we so desperately need Him.

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How To Study Your Bible Angela Talley How To Study Your Bible Angela Talley


I’m reminded from time to time that any time spent with our children is a beautiful opportunity from God that can evoke love, safety, laughter, warmth, importance and closeness. As we approach this Christmas season, what memories are you creating?

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How To Study Your Bible Angela Talley How To Study Your Bible Angela Talley

Weary Warrior

In all transparency, I wish I was writing from a place of rest and not weariness, but that just isn’t true. Many days, I do feel tired and worn down. But one essential thing I’m learning with God is the importance of community. In our moments of weariness, we must realize we are not alone.

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The Greatest Story Malorie Porter The Greatest Story Malorie Porter

New Jerusalem

God’s desire to dwell with humanity is a constant theme thread through Scripture. He created us to share in His abundant love and desires to be with us. Today, let’s follow that thread through from beginning to end, shall we?

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The Greatest Story Malorie Porter The Greatest Story Malorie Porter

Mistaken Identity

Friend, we are in the redemption phase of this grand story. God has redeemed us- purchase us through Jesus’ blood on the cross. He took the penalty of our sins on his shoulders because of His great love for us. His resurrection is our hope for future restoration.

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The Greatest Story Malorie Porter The Greatest Story Malorie Porter

Don’t Push The Boundaries

There is something about mankind: when we are given a restriction, our human will is tempted to push the boundaries. In the story of our genesis, it does’t take long after God creates all things for the story of Adam and Eve to take a turn for the worst.

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The Greatest Story Malorie Porter The Greatest Story Malorie Porter

The Only Origin Story You Need to Know

Friend, you were created as an outpouring of God’s perfect and abundant love. The purpose of all creation: the sun, moon, and planets, plants, and animals, and people.. we all exist to bring glory to God, because who, besides the Creator of everything, is worthy of all glory, and honor, and praise?

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