The Only Origin Story You Need to Know

October 11, 2021


Lesson 3 in a 5 week series

Before time began, there was nothing but God. No molecules, no air, no time- just God. When I speak of the God of the Bible, I speak of a Triune God, meaning one who is three persons, but one substance. Three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirt; One Substance: God. I know that is hard for our minds to fathom.. An eternal God who has no beginning and will have no end. An eternal God who exists outside of time and who created time, who created the universe, who created you, who created me. 

Do you ever wonder why an omnipotent God would choose to create this world? Why he thought it beneficial to have one of you? One of me? These are the things I lay in bed and wonder about at 3 in the morning. If we want to live this life to it’s fullest, I think it’s important to go back to the beginning and discover why we are here, how we got here, and what purpose we were created for.

You see, before creation, the three persons of the Trinity existed in perfect relationship with one another. God had no need for anything else. But. Out of the abundance of love that the Trinity shared, He created. The designer of the cosmos chose us to share in his love and to refract glory back to himself. 

Friend, you were created as an outpouring of God’s perfect and abundant love. The purpose of all creation: the sun, moon, and planets, plants, and animals, and people.. we all exist to bring glory to God, because who, besides the Creator of everything, is worthy of all glory, and honor, and praise?

God spoke, and everything came into being. With the breath from his mouth, there appeared time, light, air, and matter.

He spoke the universe into existence, and selected earth to prepare as the stage for his grand story. He perfectly ordered a dwelling place where he could commune with humanity. Just as a nesting mother plans, prepares, and cultivates the nursery as a place to spend time with her expected child, God took the time and care to prepare the earth for his presence to dwell with us. He ordered the light from the darkness; the sky from the water; plants and vegetation; the sun moon, and stars; and creatures to fill the sky, water, and land. 

All was ready, the stage was set.

Then the pinnacle of the creation story happens in Genesis 1:26-27 when God says, “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.. He created them male and female.” God made humanity. The term used for being created in his image is called Imago Dei. We all long, at our core, to be known and understood. We want to be seen and valued. I believe that is built into us because of our inherent value as ones created in the Imago Dei. 

The reason God created us (our purpose) is to fill the earth with His glory. We were designed to be in relationship as the Trinity is; to care for our planet as God cares for the universe; and to reflect the character of God. This is who you are: an image bearer of God, and this is a beautiful theme we will be unpacking all month long.

Not only are we made in God’s image, Genesis 2 shows us that humanity is the only physical substance formed by God’s hand. Remember, everything else in the creation account was spoken into being. With Adam, we see God form him out of the dust of the ground and breathe life into him. This breath of life is uniquely important because it represents the addition of our immaterial and eternal soul within. Notice that humans are made from dust and the breath of God.

Now if my child came to me revealing a model he formed from mud in the yard, I may feign a sense of momentary awe, and then tell him to come wash his hands while leaving the mud outside to return to the earth. Why? Dust from the earth doesn’t have inherent value. Dust from the earth suggests humility. Yet man is the pinnacle of God’s creation- because of His breath of life, not because of our physical substance. We are completely dependent on the God who formed us and gave us life. 

Our bodies will return to the dust, but our souls will go on for eternity, just as God is eternal.

Adam had a unique creation experience. Eve’s was equally unique. Adam was living on earth, given work to do with his hands - caring for the Garden of Eden the way God cares for the universe - when God decided it was time for the woman to make her debut. 

“Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone, I will make a helper corresponding to him.’” Genesis 2:18

Man was not created to be in isolation. Just as the Trinity shares in perfect relationship, God designed humanity for relationship as well. We are not meant to go at life alone. We need each other. 

“So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to come over the man, and he slept. God took one of his ribs and closed the flesh at that place. Then the Lord made the rib he had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to the man.” Genesis 2:21-22

If Adam was an image bearer, Eve is also because she is made from the same substance as Adam - of equal worth . Eve was made from his side as the perfect compliment and helper. The term “helper” doesn’t imply man’s superiority, it describes woman’s role and function. Just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have different roles and functions yet are equal, humanity is created in a similar pattern. Equal in substance, but distinct in roles. Being “equal” with someone else does not mean that we have to share the same roles. This distinction between man and woman is another way we bear the image of God.

After God acts from all of his creative power, he rests. Earth is complete. Eden is perfect. Adam and Eve care for the garden, cultivating and keeping the land with ease. The design is flawless, and all is at peace.


This area is set aside for some personal reflection - grab a pen and notebook (or office supplies of choice) and spend some time in Psalm 8. I’ll list some reflection questions for you to pray through. I’d love for you to comment with something you learned! 

  1. The first step in going to the Word is prayer. Invite the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom which is a gift that he will give in abundance each time you ask! Spend a few minutes in prayer.

  2. What is something you see about God in this passage (and in the creation narrative from Genesis that we just discussed)? It can be something new he has illuminated or something you have previously known, but maybe you see it a little clearer. If you are feeling ambitious, why don’t you start a running list in your notebook, and add to it each time you read Scripture?

  3. Consider these attributes of God. We see them to be true in scripture, but, are you living like they are true? What we learn about God should change the way we live.

  4. God displays his attributes and glory through what he has created. When is the last time you spent time contemplating his majesty through nature? It’s His general revelation of Himself to all of the world (including those who do not yet have the written Word). Do you believe that people can realize there is an Intelligent Designer just through the lens of viewing the world?

  5. What do you think it means that Adam and Eve were created in the image of God?


Can Something Come From Nothing?

