Do You Want to Get Well?


The Greatest Story Malorie Porter The Greatest Story Malorie Porter


I only know of one guide that will never lead you to fall or fail. One guide that has perfect direction and instruction every time. If God created this whole place that we call “the world,” I’d say we can trust his navigation on the inter-workings of it. That guide is called his Word.

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The Greatest Story Malorie Porter The Greatest Story Malorie Porter

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Would you consider yourself more of a movie buff or a novel reader? Or perhaps, you’ll just take a good Netflix binge sesh when you’re in the mood to be entertained, thankyouverymuch. I get it - one thing I know for sure is that we are all suckers for a good story.

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Abundance Malorie Porter Abundance Malorie Porter

What is Theology Anyway? (Pt. 1)

My real goal here is to understand God more through what he has revealed in His word, and to allow those foundational (or essential) truths to transform the way I think, feel, and act. Who He is should affect how I live!

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