Step #3: Application

December 9, 2021


Well ladies, we made it to our final step in our Bible Study Methods series. We have done the hard work and made our way through the other foundational steps. The final part of the process is called Application. In this step, we finally get to ask the question: How does this apply to me and change my life? This is also the step that most of us know something about…Hopefully you have learned the last couple of weeks that we don’t want to start with this ,though. Instead we want to work our way there by observing and interpreting the text first.

Here’s where I want to add to your knowledge of Application. It IS NOT only about asking us how this applies to our lives, because I always say we will never know who we are, if we don’t know who God is. I believe it was Jen Wilkin who said that we learn about our true selves through the lens of who God is [paraphrased]. If that is true, then we should also ask questions like: 

  • Who is God in this passage? Who does He say He is? What traits of God do I see here, even if they’re not explicitly listed? What do I learn about Him? 

  • And then in turn, knowing those things, what is true about me now? What is my view of self knowing this about God? How should I apply this to my life and how should it change me? Is there something I should do in response to this passage?

Our applications are all going to be different. If you remember I said last week that there is one interpretation of Scripture, because God intended it to mean one thing, but there can be many applications. We could all read the same passage and apply it in various ways based on how God spoke to our hearts through it. 

I do encourage you to make your application personal and practical….otherwise it becomes another broken New Year’s Resolution. The more specific you can be, the more likely you will see change or growth over time. 

If you are really stuck on how to apply a passage, I love this SPACE PETS acrostic. After reading the passage, is there any?

  • Sin to confess?

  • Promise to claim?

  • Attitude to change?

  • Command to obey?

  • Example to follow?

  • Prayer to pray?

  • Error to avoid?

  • Truth to believe?

  • Something to praise God for?

And if you still feel stuck after that, then maybe try praying through the passage and/or meditating and memorizing it. Hiding God’s Word in our heart will always prove fruitful.

I truly believe that this step can be so life changing, because that’s the purpose of it. This is where we really get to the heart and hands of the passage. We got all the history and head knowledge, but now we need the Holy Spirit to move and breathe life from the words into our hearts and do His job-convict, teach, admonish, encourage, and so much more. And I truly believe with all my heart, He will. 

When we started this study, I told you it was going to take some work. I warned that I’d probably flip some things on their heads that maybe you once thought about Bible Study…and I hope I did, because we need to learn how to be students of Scripture.  I want you to fall in love with Jesus and His Word. We learn about who He is from them. He has given us His words to read and savor, but I know they can be intimidating at times. I hope this series gave you some tips that you can implement, right away, in your own study time so that it will feel enriching and fruitful. And don’t forget to pass your new tips on and help a friend, or use them at your next small group…it will change your study time for the better!

If you thought I forgot about our practice passage, I didn’t. Go ahead and come up with an application! Here is how I applied it:

Read Philipians 4:10-13

“I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity. Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”


  • I is the pronoun being used

  • Written in past tense in beginning

  • Opposites are used: in need and content, low and abound, plenty and hunger, abundance and need

  • Speaking to the Philippians

  • Determiners are used: All, Every, Whatever

  • He has learned it; it’s not something he just knew

  • He has strength

  • God strengthens Him

  • No reason to be concerned

  • Ending is written in present tense


  • The secret of contentment and facing all things is by being in union with Christ and looking to Him as your sufficiency. 


  • I should work on contentment and gratitude in every season. I will start a list of things I’m grateful for and write down 2 things every night before bed.


A Cleaned Heart

