The Rut of Winter

February 8, 2022


With its cold and cloudy days, the long month of January seemed to create a mother who wanted to hibernate. Could you relate? I saw many shares on social media about how long January was feeling. We transition from a busy Christmas season with a time of vacation and celebrating Jesus’s birth to being broke from all the present-buying and no more parties or gatherings. Yes, January caused me to want to hibernate until Spring! Yet, here we are in February; winter is still here with cold frosted mornings.

In the cold months, it’s tempting to allow distractions from the enemy to surface. We find ourselves spending endless time on social media or Netflix, therefore, missing opportunities God has for us to spend with our families. Distractions are all around us: phones, TVs, video devices, dishes, laundry, nasty toilets, toys everywhere, dirty floors, etc. With all of these distractions, how are we functioning as a family? Our heart posture daily is tired, busy, and in survival mode. Trust me; I constantly feel all of this. I wish I didn’t, and I assume you can relate. Honestly, I don’t know if I have heard anyone say, “Today is good because it’s the day the Lord has made.” No shame because I realize I haven’t been saying or thinking that either. So, here is the question…Why? Why are we not remembering God first?

Psalm Three is a prayer in the Psalms, where we read about David turning to God FIRST in a time of distress. He cries out to God! In verses 4-5, God shields, lifts, and sustains David. His heart is entirely turned towards God. So, back to my question, why are we not crying out to God first? The distractions around us move our hearts away from God, not closer to Him. If we move away from God, how will this effect our family life? How are the connections with our husbands and children?

Are you trying to find ways to connect with your family during the winter months? Even after a full daily schedule? Recently, after our family was feeling in a rut of winter, we decided to attend and support our local High School basketball team. Going to the games has brought everlasting memories and time together as a family. We even enjoy attending away games that are close by. How is your family connecting in the winter?

If you’re struggling with an idea(s), here are a few you may want to consider:

  • Family game nights: Play a game right after dinner before bedtime. As a child, my family would play Yahtzee after dinner. I have sweet memories of that time.

  • Go to a sporting event: If you can’t find one local, watch a game on TV.

  • Look at the weather forecast for the week. See if any warmer days are ahead and plan to get outside, even if it’s fifteen minutes.

  • Volunteer at a local shelter.

  • Themed Movie night.

  • Theater night at home: Assign everyone a part of the play and dress up in costumes.

  • Concert night at home: Grab some musical instruments or create your instruments.

Winter does not have to be a weary few months, but a time to draw near God. He cares about you and your family. Seek enjoyment by creating a time of connection during the rut of winter.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come to you to seek your love! Be with the mother struggling to connect with her family in these winter months. Refresh her strength and creative mind to not live in tiredness, rather to live full of your love thriving in connecting with her loved ones.

Hang in there, sister! Spring is near!


“But Do You Want It More Than Me?”