Have You Filled Someone’s Bucket?

September 29, 2021


The clock was ticking as our homeschooling journey was about to begin. Looking forward to reading books on character-building for my boys was one factor in our family’s decision to homeschool. The weekend before we started, my beloved friend gifted me with a book to read during our morning time routine, called “Have You Filled Anyone’s Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids”, by Carol McCloud. Have you read this to your children? If not, it’s an adorable book that teaches kids how everyone walks around with an invisible bucket and how they can spread kindness to others and help fill their bucket. It also teaches about how it feels when we empty someone’s bucket with unkind words and gossip. The entire week the boys were walking around saying nice things to each other to “fill” their buckets. Now, don’t let me fool you, there were definitely moments where they “emptied” the other’s bucket by not being kind to one another. As painful as it was to have empty buckets, the boys understood the importance of kindness, and how it can spread and make someone feel better.

Sitting on my couch drinking my morning coffee, it dawned on me the impact as women we can make in filling each other’s bucket with kindness by not allowing comparison to steal our joy.  Instead, how do we cheer others on in the direction God has placed in another woman's life and link arms? How do we lift each other up in prayer and not allow Satan to use it against us in developing beautiful relationships? Where has the comparison crept into your life? For me, it’s viewing social media accounts where it appears women workout all the time; yet in reality, I know it’s not all the time! It’s just because I see the feed daily, therefore, it appears to be all the time. (Maybe it is all the time! Who knows….) I enjoy exercising, but yet in this particular season, working out looks different for me. I have to be creative when it comes to exercise.  Mothering my two boys, engaging with my husband, working full-time, taking walks in the woods with my family, or practicing soccer with the boys provides exercise in my life everyday. Instead of allowing comparison to creep in, I should rejoice with her that she has the time and resources to exercise and move her body. And in reality, I get to exercise as well, just in a different way.

Here is the thing, we cannot fill our family buckets, friend buckets, church family buckets, or women in general if we are working from an empty bucket. Is your bucket empty? When cleaning one more dish, picking up one more toy, or cooking one more meal, you feel exhausted and struggle on how you are supposed to continue nurturing your family and still engage in meaningful friendships. The best way to fill your bucket is alone time with God. You see, He knows why and where you are empty, and the beautiful part is He will not let you run on empty! He is always searching for ways to draw us near to fill us with His spirit;

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things.” -Galatians 5:22-23

Friends, can I call you friends...I sure hope we can all become beautiful friends here at Abundance Collective! You do not have to walk alone feeling your heart is empty and allowing comparison to steal your joy, missing the beautiful things God is eagerly waiting to reveal to you! Draw near to Him with all your heart.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart.” -Deuteronomy 6:5

My prayer for you friends, in the midst of raising children, working in society, and handling day-to-day tasks is to be open in your inner core to draw near our Heavenly Father to fill your bucket and not allow comparison, anger, or frustration to take the front seat of your life. However, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into a life of joy, peace, and patience!

Dear God,

Thank you for being a Heavenly Father that loves us deeply! I pray for our new friends here at Abundance Collective to shift their hearts to be filled by your love. You witness first hand all the needs she is facing; may your loving arms protect her. You give strength to the faint and strengthen the powerless; we trust in you, Lord, to renew our strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not become weary, they will walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:29,31). May we all experience your love and tenderness and find our true identity as a daughter to a King. 


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